Buses and Picking Kids Up 2023-09-27T14:29:49+00:00

Buses and Picking Kids Up

Picking Kids Up
Any child picked up early from school must be signed out at the office for safety reasons

Whaea Tinaka is the bus controller.  In the interest of all students we expect a high standard of behavior on the buses.  All students are expected to be responsible and monitor their and other behavior on the buses.  Ritchies is the bus contractor.  Please endeavor to do this as early as possible between the hours of 9.00am – 1.00pm when our office is always manned.  Should the above not happen the child will be sent home on their normal bus.  It is not sufficient for the child to ‘tell’ the teacher.  All children are marked off on a bus/car/walkers list each afternoon.  Please advise once if your child is attending sports after school on a regular basis.

Any changes in the way your child/children travel home from school must be communicated to the school either by clicking the bus change button below, phone or in writing.

Bus Change Form